Quick setup for extra RancherOS services

Using a repo during installation

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RoastLink/roastlink.github.io/master/cloud-config.yml
sudo ros install -d /dev/sda -c cloud-config.yml
Installation with a cloud-config.yml will allow you to set the ssh key that you'll be able to ssh into the RancherOS system with - as there is no password based authentication.

To add this repository after RancherOS is booted, run

sudo ros config set rancher.repositories.roast.url https://roastlink.github.io

$ sudo ros service list 
disabled amazon-ecs-agent
disabled crontab
disabled kernel-extras
disabled kernel-headers
disabled kernel-headers-system-docker
disabled open-vm-tools
disabled rancher-server
disabled rancher-server-stable
disabled zfs
disabled devconsole
enabled  docker-compose
disabled nginx
disabled sven

Docker-machine, amazonec2 and cloud-config

I have a script called amachine that I use to create an amazon vm with cloud-config:


source ~/aws.env

docker-machine create --driver amazonec2 \
	--amazonec2-ami ami-7caa341c \
	--amazonec2-region us-west-2 \
	--amazonec2-instance-type t2.small \
	--amazonec2-ssh-user rancher \
	--amazonec2-userdata cloud-config.yml \

Development run options

Or, if you're doing development, and starting the QEMU VM using ./scripts/run --fresh --cloud-init roast.yml --append "rancher.autologin=ttyS0", with a roast.yml containing:

  - ssh-rsa AAAAB3N ... wQQ== root@quad
  console: alpine
    engine: docker-1.12.3
  autologin: ttyS0
      url: https://roastlink.github.io/

Or, if you have your cloud-config.yml accessible from the internet: scripts/run --fresh --append "rancher.cloud_init.datasources=['url:https://roastlink.github.io/cloud-config.yml']"

The source for this repository of services can be found at https://github.com/RoastLink/roastlink.github.io